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Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Rebuilding a Home

from 1954

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

The reconstructed bricks and door frame need to look solid, and carefully in perspective for this restoration to be considered successful.

This is a classic example of a photograph ruined by light getting into the camera. Handling wear and tear has also added to how it appears here, but skillful restoration can show how this happy scene would have looked.

The walls and door frame were rebuilt with careful attention to matching the original texture and tone. Once the marks and creases were seemlessly removed the whole focus of the picture changes back to these proud grandparents. The finished image is unique, because only after this restoration can it be seen complete for the first time. Despite its small size the image was worked on at a high resolution, and it was output

at a local photo-lab

as a 10x8 print, with a

fantastic frameable result

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

The Original Photograph is just 85x60mm

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Detail from the original scan & finished restoration

New walls complete this happy picture

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Web Design and Images © Grant M Kemp 2014 - 2016

restoring old photos
photo restoration

Photo Restoration, Colour Tinting Photographs, Colour Correcting Photos, Editing Photos, Photomontage, Creative Images, and Scanning photos.

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