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Adding and creating backgrounds

Some photographs are totally ruined by a bad composition, perhaps taken in a hurry or with early home cameras that made it difficult to frame a shot properly. Skillful editing and image creation can make a wonderful frame worthy picture from a hastily taken snapshot. Restoring Your Past provides a quick turnaround service that can produce something truly memorable from anything in your family photo collection.

Expand the image to see what a difference this service can make

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Original Scan

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

The original photograph without any colour correction or changes.

Colour Adjusted

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

After colour correction the image is better, but the composition is still poor.

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

With the added background the picture's complete

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Adding in the extra background step by step

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Web Design and Images © Grant M Kemp 2014 - 2016

restoring old photos
photo restoration

Photo Restoration, Colour Tinting Photographs, Colour Correcting Photos, Editing Photos, Photomontage, Creative Images, and Scanning photos.

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