by email: info@restoringyourpast.co.uk
or call: 07905 274013

An Outstanding
Photo Restoration, Colourisation, and Creative Image Service

Highly qualified
Trained as a Graphic Designer, I have a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Graphic Design.
During my long graphics and print career I have used design, image software and scanners
from every leading supplier including the highest resolution drum scanners. Advice and support
on getting the best from whatever image you have is always available, just get in touch.
I bring all of my industry experience to the Restoring Your Past service. Graphic design, image scanning, newspaper/magazine production, web, litho, and digital printing experience means I can offer a graphics service that's based on having dealt with just about every sort of image destined for any type of output.
Over 20 Years of industry experience
Customer led service
Restoring Your Past is a service that's entirely aimed at giving you exactly what you want from the image that you supply. I put no restrictions on the type of file you can supply, my working experience has always been to do the best possible job with whatever the client can supply, give advice when needed, but always provide a photograph that you are totally happy with and means something special to you.
I have always worked for companies who specialise in working to tight deadlines, producing work quickly, while maintaining the very highest quality standards.
Quick turnaround
Thousands of images produced for most of the largest companies in the UK, Europe and US including Newspapers, Banks, Financial Institutions and Advertising Agencies.
Years of Digital Image Experience
I try to make the service as customer friendly as possible. It's entirely up to you how you would like to be contacted before and during the work being carried out, if you are happier for email only contact that's fine, but I'm always available on the phone for help and support.
Great communication, by email or phone

Why choose me to work on your family photographs?