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Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

In The Photo Booth 1959

A fantastic result from the smallest of prints

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Every family photo collection will have its share of tiny

photo booth pictures. Sometimes taken on the spur of the

moment, they are irreplaceable memories that may well

be unique. Small and flimsy, these images are often

creased, torn, and due to being processed quickly, are often under exposed.

The convincing restoration of these images often involves working right down to single pixel level due to the poor quality of the original.

Restored, and then enhanced with subtle shading these small photographs can still look wonderful when framed. The resolution of this 40x50mm picture was increased and a 10x8 print was produced with superb frameable quality

Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth


Even from such a small original (just 40x50mm),

great results can still be achieved by working in high

resolution and working closely on some areas pixel by pixel.


Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth
Photo Restoration, Restoring Old Photos, Repairing Photos, Colourising Photos, Colour Tinting Photos, Photoshop, Altering Images, Editing Photos, Portsmouth

Web Design and Images © Grant M Kemp 2014 - 2016

restoring old photos
photo restoration

Photo Restoration, Colour Tinting Photographs, Colour Correcting Photos, Editing Photos, Photomontage, Creative Images, and Scanning photos.

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