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An Outstanding
Photo Restoration, Colourisation, and Creative Image Service

No Longer a Fading Memory from 1912

Close to completely disappearing, this early 1900's portrait was split into separate colour layers, before adjustment, then recombined, restored and enhanced with added detail. The missing image area at the bottom of the picture was recreated to complete the composition.
This very early studio portrait was taken over 100 years ago, and is now so faded that this wonderful picture can hardly be seen. Before restoring any damage to the image, it was split into separate colour layers and each one was adjusted to retrieve as much of the feint detail as possible.
After merging the colour layers together the picture shows both the wonderful detail of the portrait, but also the large amount of marks and defects that have to be digitally removed. Completely restored to it's original state the missing area at the bottom of the image is created
to match in both
texture and tone to
create a wonderful image.
A young girl who didn't want her picture taken

A detail from the original scan, before colour correction
The same detail after colour correction and restoration work