by email: info@restoringyourpast.co.uk
or call: 07905 274013

An Outstanding
Photo Restoration, Colourisation, and Creative Image Service

Family Photos Improved, Good photos made great with small changes
I wanted a good example of a nice family photo that with some skilled image manipulation could be greatly improved. This picture taken on a lovely sunny day is somewhat spoiled by the shed on the right hand side, and the bowl of popcorn, salt and pepper pots, etc. The foliage on the left was used to completely enclose the three sisters, and make it look more like a country garden rather than a backyard! The original print was scanned at 1200dpi, before being cleaned of all marks and scratches, and then the right hand side was created to look different to the left rather than just a mirror image.

The original scan with the clients instructions

If you can't use a drawing package to produce the sort of layout shown in the example above, you can provide instructions on what you want done to improve the picture by printing it out on an A4 sheet, writing on the instructions in pen, and then scanning the sheet, or you can ask me to advise you on the best way of improving the composition.
The finished edited and much improved photo, as it would look framed

The image to the left shows the original scan together with the edited and improved version. Some clients prefer this arrangement sent as a proof before the final image is approved, as it makes it easier to judge the success of the work that has been carried out.